Sunday, March 1, 2009

the dummy's guide to know ahgoh 2009 part1

there are a few things u know or might not know about me. i tot ill list them down so that i can stay true to my convictions and then u can decide whether u can know me better or dislike me more. lol. if u find this post offensive, radical or mean, do drop a comment.

1. i don't drink. Yep i am allergic to it. Cant really appreciate them either because they taste real bitter and makes u wanna take off your clothes. Dont know whether its a good or bad thing.

2. I don't take seafood.

3. I don't smoke. Thankfully. A terrible waste of money.

4. I don't have no objections to people smoking. But just cant stand people leaving the cigarettes butts where they dont belong. Oh, or when they make those slit-like eyes and ecstatic expression when they take a puff. Damn sinister. You know wad i mean.

5. I don't like Japanese stuff. Always had this feeling they will start world war 3 with their economic and cultural powers. Yea yea what happened in ww2 was just a small militarist government.. but just look at Final Fantasy and dragonball and yakitori... so scary man. And mr koizumi looks too nationalistic for my liking. sorry for feeling childish but cant help it.

6.I don't believe edison chen is so handsome that so many ladies wanted to bed him. please tell me hes not handsome .... and this man below is definitely more sexy.our agent smith aka Elrond in Lord of the Rings and mr V in V for Vendetta.

7. I dont find body piercing or tattooing all that great. Cummon who finds your tattoo nice when u r 60 years old and ur dragon tattoo is now just a blob of ink. and i find it particularly silly when people say they made them to remember someone or something. You dont remember them with a thing on your skin man, you remember them with your head. And thankfully my parents had their parental-guidence version 10.1 software installed in my head... guys with earrings/studs ain't that fashionable now.

8. I don't like Malays. Not all of them...... only 99% of them.

9.i don't mind watching a movie in the cinema by myself. Abit paiseh but its alright.

9. I don't have much friends. But i value the ones that i had.

10. I don't like talking the people i can't get along with. I don't like them and i know they don't like me either so wads the point lol. although out of courtesy i still put on a fake smile and converse.

thats all for now. will be back with part 2

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