Saturday, January 24, 2009

random thoughts/sight for the day

1. Shit, saw 2 teenagers gays kissing when i alight from the bus just now. I swear they gave me a sheepish grin + wink when they saw me looking at them.

2. Weird but my dad has a uncanny resemblance to George W bush. Hmmmm....

3. encounter a guy whos skin disease had gone way out of control in the bus. He had hundreds of blisters all over his exposed skin. While i certainly do feel for him that he'll have to put up with the stares for the rest of his life and I would have no objection sharing the seats with him, lookin at him still makes my hair stand and i feel bad about this.

4. Fat kids and babies are damn cute. Like my little cousin.

5. I'm proud of u chiyolala because everytime i tell other people including my relatives that my gf is working in the states i will song for at least 1 second.

6. Question time. If there is a genie who can grant you one wish, what will it be? Post your answer on the chatbox and i will post mine.