Saturday, January 31, 2009

goot food summary

cny shiok! thats when ocbc hr show some humane side and treated us to crystal jade kitchen ! tok them completely (anyway its not their money its ocbc's) and eated like a pig. didnt even speak as i stuffed my mouth with dim sums. I know its bad for my ocbc career that i didnt converse with the "senior management" but heck it. At the end of it, i arrived at the same conclusion on crystal jade:
the food remains overhyped and overrated. Red star can easily beat them flat. Anyway food is food so my stomach is easily satisfied.

Anyway just feel like jotting down the list of food that are pretty shiok so next time when i feel like eating i can refer to them and wont end up in crystal jade wondering why i end up there in the first place. If u think i left out some or wanna recommend something please do so so i can jio pple for food quest next time.

1. Ding tai fung (chiwowo and mine favourite. too bad they dont have frequentEater rewards if not i think we are eligible for them liao)

2. Nan xiang @ bugis level 2. Xiao long bao and te tofu samosa were godlike but they were nothing compared to the one in shanghai so Nanxiang bugis ranking in my list is only soso.

3. Ashtons. cheap and good and no gst and service charge. what more can u ask for. ONly complaint is the queue is too long!

4. Beach road chicken rice. smooth and tender. omg i think i will go and eat it later liao. god give me strength to resist the temptation!

5. chinatown claypot rice. ahhhhh..... the holy grail of claypot rice in singapore. too bad chiyoya doesnt like claypot rice.

6. maxwell fish meat bee hoon. secret xo sauce simply makes it stands out from others. Its not hard to imagine how good is the food when they have the audacity to charge $4. Chayoyo and me favorite 2.

7. changi village bar chor mee, chicken cutlet hor fun. I am guilty of not bring chiyaya to eat them when she wanted them so I apologise to you ok.

8. changi village red tea long gan. You may be wondering what this is but i can assure you its godlike.

9. Kenny rogers. Woot! guan hao pong and me personal favorite mid range restaurant. chicken, the muffin and the potato side-dish are legendary. Haven tried them for like 25 years and i long for themmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm....................

10. carrot cake at hawker next to fu lu shou. The best in the business, this hidden gem has the carrot cake industry at its feet when the master chef was around. Now change cook liao and so standard drop from AAA to b just like ratings from s&p's.

11. Red star restuarant @ chinatown. though inconveniently tucked in the obscure corner of chinatown, this place has achieved cult status among the dim sum fans! Just entering this jiu lou makes u feel u r back in the 80's. The auntie waitress there told me the furnishing hasnt change since the 80's or 90's. hordes of aunties, ah ma, young men like me queue up every weekend begging to get in and get a hand on their shiokanathan dim sums. ahhhhhh......... paigu and siu mai i love u man.

cant recall anymore at the moment. will update this post as soon as i think of some so next time when i have alzheimer's i still can refer to this post. very important.

Friday, January 30, 2009


(@*!(#)!)_@& GOOD GAME given is going to Man city? Ok if the talisman is going to left, good game bye bye newcastle liao!

Its strange that a club few thousand miles away can frustrate me, but when u support something since u were primary 3, things do make a difference. They can only blame themselves though, internal turmoil, bad results and bad managements.....

Ok lets show some support to chayoyo ! jia you!

Thursday, January 29, 2009

I found it!

i found the video! click onnn the link, sit back relax and enjoy!

Most of the gags are godamn funnny, but if are too lazy to watch from start to end, at least watch the one with the japanese and his "handphone" and the one with the waiter please.

This made my day, i hope it make yours :)


u know...once in a while something comes along that makes your day and the moment u see it u know this is it... today i got the chance of not one but 2 shiok stuff! holy cow!

1. Wow paparazzi camera flash card letter arriving for chayoyo. very interesting! US.and.A cards are very nice!

2. While i was travelling in the bus feeling tired and moody, just for laughs saved my life! One particular gag was incredibly funny and i swear everyone in the bus laughed. Hang on awhile i try to find the video...

soorry for lousy english again as im typing at godlike speed again

Tuesday, January 27, 2009

disappointing day

all is not well today. planned to go sentosa with the F1 3times luge rides in our mind but! all is not well for the star-crossed riders because....

harbourfront bus interchange is packed like with 1 million pple queuing for bus tickets to sentosa and vivocity is like packed with 8 million 5 thousand pple wanting to go to sentosa too! (can u imagine the queue snakes out to the open air area) Although only like 9 million and 5 thousand pple and 5 thousand less than melissa's 10 million things in her mind, that is still like many people especially foreign talents.

Wun be able to enjoy the rides with so much FTs here and there so abolish plan A with no plan B in mind (damn)

So we walk and wander and trudge our feets and suddenly we found ourselves @ popeyes chicken. Goodness km and andrew havent taste the power of mashed potato so we intro them...

Happy yet still unsatisfied we continued our aimless walk when bright lights appeared rite in front of our eyes!

the lure of the little dragon balls were too great as km and andrew once again were seduced by their first experiences with the forbidden food. We left satisfied, filled, broke and sure that this will be the end of our day..........

however, fate still has something in stall for us.

This concludes our unexpected plan b for the day (although we had wanted to try the chocolate mudpie @ bread papa). Next time our food quest will be hunting for something less expensive!

Wow so many calories time to do some exercise. Dont worry chiyolo we have something much better when i come us.and.a

Monday, January 26, 2009

the world pauses for a moment......

during cny. Weee stop and smell the roses fellows! Weee what a short post! cause its time for sentosa luge soon

Sunday, January 25, 2009

home alone

In a few hours time, parents will be in Genting and I will be Macualay Culkin starring in Home Alone. Cummon who can forget that show man!

First thing first i need a plan. Should i place the marble balls on the floor so when the two guys charge they will slip and fall? I think i will need the red hot iron bar on the door knob trick so when they grab the knob on the other side, they will be charred. Finally, i will put my secret catapult snares near the lift area to ensure they will have second thoughts when they try to break in. This will ensure my safety for the whole period i guess. =)

If u r reading this, then i guess u r probably as bored as me.

Saturday, January 24, 2009

random thoughts/sight for the day

1. Shit, saw 2 teenagers gays kissing when i alight from the bus just now. I swear they gave me a sheepish grin + wink when they saw me looking at them.

2. Weird but my dad has a uncanny resemblance to George W bush. Hmmmm....

3. encounter a guy whos skin disease had gone way out of control in the bus. He had hundreds of blisters all over his exposed skin. While i certainly do feel for him that he'll have to put up with the stares for the rest of his life and I would have no objection sharing the seats with him, lookin at him still makes my hair stand and i feel bad about this.

4. Fat kids and babies are damn cute. Like my little cousin.

5. I'm proud of u chiyolala because everytime i tell other people including my relatives that my gf is working in the states i will song for at least 1 second.

6. Question time. If there is a genie who can grant you one wish, what will it be? Post your answer on the chatbox and i will post mine.

Friday, January 23, 2009


wah kao, never am I going to touch any drop of alcohol again. My allergy is back and its trying to kill me! Ants biting my skin everywhere! Cannot sleep cause its so itchy!

Thursday, January 22, 2009

cny like no cny

alright this year is bad.cny like no cny. less advertisements and cny songs on tv. pathetic decorations on the street. goodness the spirit and atmosphere is fading!

im not trying to clear my room.
Mum discretely clean the house when im not watching
not buying alot of cny goodies
looking forward the days like just another long weekend
parents going to genting to spend their holidays while Culkin's home alone.

cummon the buildup is as important as the occasion itself!

cny means visiting friends and relatives! reunion dinner! ang bao! buying lots of new clothes and wun feel guilty! letting your auntie say "aiyo so tall liao! so handsome!"

Ok i will clear my wardrobe and start my inaugural squeezing with people @ chinatown soon!

wow im old

you know, it happens sometimes, just like me today when i was listening to my beloved Ipork and you chance over some song you haven heard for eons like Vitamin C graduation. Wow very nice brings back memories about school and army days. Like soccer from dusk till dawn (exaggerated), talking cock with kumar, sweaty and cold nights in the mountains.

yea thinking of these crappy days stirrr the hungry child in me. Do u still have your child in u? Are we too old we lose our childlike wonder? That we must adhere to social formalities behave properly?

If you feeling uptight, tired after work, stressed about grades, maybe u try the tap-your-friend-shoulder-and-pretend-you-never, act cute, act blur, crack really stupid jokes, play with your old pokemon toy, slurp some slurpees, dig out old uniform and wear them and go bukit merah macdonald and bring out and boook and pretend to study. Not only its fun to do so, its right to do so!

Cool. I still do. I still try to wake up on saturday morning and watch doraemon. Cummon who can deny they yearn to own one of those flashy toys. Thats the reason why i learnt magic the first place. Its not about impressing people! But owning a magic means owning a piece of the childlike wonder. watching people wow in amazement while they struggle their adulthood logic with their childlike wonder.

there are 2 ways of staying young. Botox and play like a kid. Cummon don't be so rigid and mature all the time. Act cute.

Wednesday, January 21, 2009

reflections today

ok what do i have today:

1. just watched the inauguration speech. wow he spoke 20 mins without looking at a script. so much charisma, conviction and power. The funny thing though is if u realise, hes actually more or less repeating the same thing here and though, lol, just abit of imagery, symbolism and analogies here and there. have to give the bloke credit though.

2. Ok im tasked with creating the department website and they want me to do a pretty good job even though i know nuts on javascript, css , html and asp .net. Basically, everything computer related so im not actually a computer guy after all. Hurray, not a geek!

3. realise my face is quite bwang at the moment. Ok if anyone has secret formula for me, please let me know. I need it.

4.I'll try to talk more with the pple at intern tml, even though i cannot really click with the pple. Bo bian, social networking. needs to polish some boots.

*dig my nose again*
*rub my eyes*


wow. barack obama . some much weight on his shoulders. can he deliver ? the world looks to him for direction. i look to him for my shares to rise!

One thing for sure, hes certainly one of the most powerful speakers ive ever seen. well rehearsed, well timed and well constructed speeches. Shook my balls big time man.

When the dust and obaman fervour began to settle down, we will see whether mighty warlord premier obama is the saviour.

Change we can believe in. Yes we can. Never stop believing.

*digs my nose*
*scratch my ear*

Tuesday, January 20, 2009

omg teenagers nowadays have very muscular hands

good lord, just went to the tampines gym this evening and realize there are some many people with arms the size of my thighs. I am dumbfounded. Are they too well fed or something or issit the use of myoplex at work here? Are protein shakes the shortcut to erm nice bodies lol?

Reminds me of old man tan. But this man here is totally committed and disciplined that i have to respect him.

Ok time to do 1 pushup. Just one then i will go sleep. Hopefully myhands grew by 1 cm tomolo. *pray hard*

Monday, January 19, 2009

just earned 75 bucks today

alright... i will allocate 25 dollars towards buying a book myself. And the rest of the 40 dollars towards the Go-to-US-and-A-chiwala fund! hooray! one more percent completed!

whats the most important thing?

live life by the moment?




Interesting to note that while I'm not totally lacking in any of them (except maybe money?), i seem to be missing one ingredient that i've not tasted - success.


Ok so what have i learnt from internship so far?

1. when the people told u lunch is 1 hr its actually bullshit.

2. IT life is quite jiaklat.

3. Foreign talent invasion is real.

4. Time is damn precious.

5. Sitting down whole day can make u damn fat.

6. aircon is bad for ur nose.