Monday, October 19, 2009

theres something in my house

nowadays its so hard to keep still and work in the house. either i play fifa for 'a while', or lie on the bed for '10 mins' or play wordup until i break my record.

Im so scared that today i rush out of the house as soon as i finish breakfast... school is the best place to study! still i would prefer SMU instead of NTU. SMU has shit load of sockets here and there, lots of places to loiter and find food after studying... and of course,, more of our Singaporean comrades! hurray! definitely more boomz than NTU la. the people there all fashionista ones.. wear leopard princes and zebra princes and strut down SMU.. so cool!

the bad thing is.. i will have to eat dinner and lunch alone =(

Wednesday, October 7, 2009

hahaha this week so little sleep. yay! weekend just jalan jalan on my bed. maybe go ikea lie on their bed.

Monday, September 28, 2009

you will never walk alone.

I go school alone, during lunch i eat alone, i go home alone.. weekends i stay at home alone i go library alone i looked at the phone and the phonebooks scroll through shrugged...

when will chiyola and elephant be back? so many things to do together

Monday, September 14, 2009

the ingredients of success.

1. self control
2. Ability to delay gratification
3. optimism

For these 3, i shall hold off htc hero, microsoft mouse and g-shock for a while. Save money!

Monday, August 31, 2009

eating supper is bad but

its kinda shiok to just chill to the radio, drink a glass of milk and a chinese cookie. Quite fattening now that i very seldom run but still a hungry man gotta do what hes supposed to do.

Anyway been wanting to climb bukit timah hill for fun, stop and smell the roses and test out my d40. burn some calories , relax, hippie ! thats the way to go.

saturday will be the day. I will wake up early, go to plaza and have a light breakfast and then set off!

Tuesday, August 25, 2009

bad bad=(

damn it. i've been sick on and off for the last 2 weeks. yesterday felt like a train has just crashed into my head. this shall give me a excuse for skipping lecture later and take a llittle nap.


Monday, August 10, 2009

school starts tml!

damn excited! got a side job in school! cant wait to go to c the chinatown, little india in ntu! afterall they are highlights and attractions in singapore!

Wednesday, July 29, 2009

wah lao how?

cannot gym cannot run cannot think properly because i cannot move + fever. i know! I'll use my "deep psychic penetrative stare" on my parents, elephant and chiyola when she gets home. HAHAHAHA then they'll do my bidding. eh im not childish ok.

Sunday, July 26, 2009

the power of laziness

overwhelms my consciousness to success. this damn bad. I need a plan to value-add myself, if not i will never fulfill my plans of earning a lot of money.

1. I will keep my PS3. This will reduce my urge to play oblivion everytime i sit on the desk.
2. I will find some software to block off hardwarezone and facebook. They are a massive distraction.
3. I will need to manage my time properly. I will start off with closing this post in 3 mins time.
4. I will laugh when i see some technical lingo i dont understand.
5. I will start to say things to bore people so that they wouldnt go out with me. I'll try to start with my elephant.
6. Joking about point 6.

OK time's almost up.

Wednesday, July 15, 2009

hectic july

wow wow wee wa right after US and A holiday its off to beloved hendon for my annual campmates get-together!

this year its an incredibly short 1 week and this is not good ! Although most of my peers would be glad that its not 2 weeks, i had other sentiments. ICT is such a good time to keep fit, save some money, talk some cock and build some camaraderie that i dunno why some people would want to go back to face the harsh reality of their world.

And wah lao, time flies. 1 week pass just like that and I'm sitting in my room penning my afterthoughts now.

There are good times like sitting together by the bedside talking about things men talk about, doing PT, running and gym sessions with Monster leon tan and smelling good old hendon, changi village and of course eating the cookhouse food.

There are also SHIT times: having to babysit grown-ups. Speaking of this makes me fume. Although people who really know me knows that most of the time I'm talking crap and avoiding sai kangs and jumping around, I still believe that the core value of a responsible soldier is the selflessness and willingness to work for the team. Instead I see some particulars dashing for comfort when his own team members are slogging. That is FUCK-up attitude. How can a person show such indifference to responsibilities if he can say he is a commando? Thankfully, bad apples are rare.

I've achieved something too. I've finally met my 2.4km goal. This has eluded me for 2 years that I thought maybe i'm a little too old or maybe I'm just too lazy to train. I'm not saying this because I deserve a pat on my back but I want to emphasize the importance of perseverance and hard work in everything we set our sights on. Hopefully I will channel this into my goal of earning A SHIT BUCKET load of money.

Oh and thanks to leon tan too. He have become my competitor in running. Although he have become faster than me, I do believe that hes still within sight. Taught me crazy PTs and gym exercises too. Great friend to cherish.

Concluding, this 2 months have been crazy. America holiday with Chiyoyo is too fun to be true, and ICT is too short to be fun. Until Chiyoyo comes back from US and A, I guess i will be working on my fyp, run and linger around miserably. Haiz time flies.....

Tuesday, June 30, 2009

america america so this is u

back from Millbrae! Need to focus and work hard now! Had lots of fun in US!

Chiyoyo's house is pretty awesome. Clean and safe neighbourhood predominantly occupied by the ang moh and the ABCs so u cant really see much Blacks like those in Dangerous Minds. Everyone had a nice lawn and interesting design for their houses so its really shiok when you take a stroll down to the nearby Millbrae Square to get dinner. Talkin' about Stop and Smell the Roses man. One thing though, most of the houses' build is hollow, unlike Singapore, so every footstep around the house is magnified a few gazillion times. Check out Chiyoyo's house and her beetle in the garage.

First stop, LA's Disneyland and Universal Studio. Kudos to superwoman Chiyoyo because she drove 3 hr + 3hr to our hotel without me rendering much help except pinching her cheeks to keep her awake.

Disneyland is kinda unimaginable because its so damn pretty big that by 4pm we were already pretty tired. Yea we were both lazy fellows but nonetheless we caught up with a couple of celebrities for some shots.

just joking, there they are.

Universal Studio is pretty cool too. I particularly liked the studio tour- get to see the sets from War of the world, desperate housewifes, king kong..... And the Simpsons family are kinda naughty.. Some very professional actors inside, they will high-five cool dudes like us, mess around with your hair, bear hug young children AND conduct security bag searches like the one below.

After LA, it was time for Chiyoyo to get back to serious business in Genentech while i slack around in the house tidying up her room, visiting burger kings, and do some running. America is full of fat people and before u know it, spare tires will grow on your stomach because everything's is fast food, grilled, barbequed or fried, and their notion of vegetables is just the pathetic version of coleslaws and salad. Thats one of the few things i dislike about AMerica other than the usual hip-hop blacks and their street-full of tramps

Our next stop, Yosemite national park is pretty much the stairways to heaven. I fell in love with Yosemite. Sorry Chiyola, but you still get the majority share of my affections. Incredible myriad of astounding landscapes filled this land and I was grateful to chiyoyo for bringing me here. The view from sentinel dome was breath-taking.

And chiyoyo is damn fit! She climbed and hiked like nobody's business (must be from the Gym-work that shufen was describing the nature of their job was) An ah ma along the trail even commented "U better hurry, shes gotta lose you!" Ok chiyoyo, U R BETTER there.

There were so much fun at Yosemite but my deepest was insufficient time to climb the half dome before we return. Having said that, the travel guide says hiking the trail to Half Dome was EXTREMELY STRENUOUS and judging my performance at the earlier hike which is only VERY STRENUOUS , i do need some training =(. Chiyola even had the cheek to say the hike was not tiring at all. Guys, when u get back, take a look at chiyola's Strong legs and you will understand wad im saying.

Sin city's our final destination. We stayed in New York New York -the exterior's looks spectacular but we have to agree that we were kinda disappointed with our room. No flask to boil water, small room and we even have to pay 15USD for a single nite of internet access. TA MA DE. We visited MGM, Paris, Bellatio, Monte Carlo, Luxor and Excalibur. The most impressive by far is probably MGM, the exterior looked like shit but the inside is pretty much an sprawling underground city.

We didn't realise we had to travel around 4-5 hours by coach to Grand Canyon National Park, then spend just 2 hours there, then another 4-5 hours back. we felt cheated. Anyway Grand Canyon didnt take our breath away the same way Yosemite did. Thankfully, Chiyola's ingenious suggestion that we get the helicopter ride for a trip around the canyon save some frustrations.

Back at Millbrae, we get to spend 2 days at SF before i leave so we had some time at Fisherman's Wharf. We cycled to the golden gate bridge, or whats left of it since the fog swallowed more than half of it.kinda cool though pretty different from the sort of pics other tourists would have taken.

And the last day in US happens to coincide with the San francisco Gay pride parade. NICE. loads of brunos, elton johns and Lindsay lohans in skimpy costumes. While Shufen enjoyed her phototaking session there, we had our fair share too.

Few things etched an impression:
1. Ang moh's friendliness and courtesy
2. chiyola's superb 130km power-drives despite she is seeming direction-blind and her over-reliance on her Garmin GPS.
3. shit load of national parks that i yearn to explore!

So thats it. this concludes the chronicles of ahgoh in glorious country of America. Misfortunates that occur post-trip include losing my freaking camera after checking in my baggage, and Chiyola's beetle's getting fried =(.

Thursday, June 11, 2009

u know u cant forget singapore when..

u r staying up in the middle of the night reading up on my final year project and worried out of my pants because i dont know a shit about it. this is bad because maybe i'll puke tomorrow when i go disneyland theme rides tml.

ok time to sleep

Sunday, May 24, 2009

im sad

its so hard to swallow when u see something u believe in since primary 3 self-destruct in total cataclysmic failure. Yes newcastle is relegated, cummon u can gloat at them if u want to.

yes i know the players play with so old-fashioned, short-sighted,tired and one dimensional manner that even a championship club can do better. But do the club deserve it? Or do the fans deserve it? Yes the players can probably jump ship and leave,because they themselves don't have the heart to play in the first place, but for people like me who put faith every weekend just to see a glimmer of excitement rather than switch channels and cheer with a certain united which are probably the epitome of this sport, it is hard to swallow.

people who adored liverfool, MU, chelski and arsenal won't understand this. Their mouths sprout vulgarities at the merest sight of players taking an extra stride when sprinting, who are they to comment on anything when they haven seen everything? Do they relate instant success when they say, lets support the best?

I sympathize with shearer, who in stark contrast to the capitalistic management, GAVE and try to save everything in his dear club's ass despite his experience is only at level 0. that is the real passion..

of course newcastle can fight back, weakened but resilient, humiliated but humble. Im sure they do, because players, directors (particularly greedy and bad ones)come and go, whereas the club as a culture , as a faith to the devotees that worship them, is a incorruptible symbol.

BUT, until then, i guess i'll still be quite sad.

Thursday, May 7, 2009

too tired but...

so tired seeing the computer screen whole day that i try to avoid them everytime im whole. its killing my eyesight. i can already tell that my eyesight is not as good as before. yea.

EVEN so i come home still i will spend some time surfing for some good jokes and cute stuff. Seeing people vexed tense will busines lingo acronyms all day has made a grumpy and vexed old man.

SO its is my latest addition of cute stuff i like to look at:

Lala the penguin. WAh lao penguins aredamn cute man. the other day i was watching a documentary and seeing the penguins waddle and skid across the icy surface made me want to buy one cute penguin soft toy too.


Saturday, April 25, 2009


shit man. this week is slacking. looking at the computer all day. need to read up on programming stuff so no time to stay healthy.

ran to bedok reservoir after work on friday and did 2 good rounds there. good solitude run with a panoramic view of the reservoir. sometimes its good but sometimes its lonely.

today will be report day coupled with some readup at the end. But not before i hit the gym .

Sunday, April 12, 2009

sunday is cool!

ya spent whole day resting at home.. watching tv munching chips taking afternoon naps wasting my youth away and looking through GUITAR HERO on the net (it was very fun though clearly im having loads of problem...)

theres this show on channel 5 that just ended i think its called S Factor.. i have absolutely no idea why its produced because it made the ladies looked bimbo and stupid.. America next top model parody? Side note to Chiyoyo, i just happen to steal 5 mins when i was waiting for Harpers Island ok!

m1 has been pissing me off long enough zz.. will see out the contract then its off to $2.5 per share company!

yanoe why sunday is cool? because
the weather is cool today, im using original source mint shampoo which is real cool.. gatsby facial foam which has extra menthol for a refreshing cool sensation and tucking in my shirt and pants real high which is really cool...

Thursday, April 9, 2009

ahgoh's week

this week is bad.. took some break from exercising because feeling burnt out.. low in energy...
tried out power run but realise i barely cleared the timing that i would clear with ease 1/2 years ago.. this is discouraging because my legs feel weak like shit and im only 23

the most **** thing is despite taking good care of mysef another pimple pop out again.... and i've reading on the net that actually im suffering from post-inflammatory hyperpigmentation which takes eons for me to heal...

stayed in office yesterday until 9 because no one is free for a drink... not cool.. if only chiyola is here then probably we will go and eat our favorite ding tai fung together

one more week to go before payday.. and im alrady exceeding my budget.. not that i bought lots of things but im eating whenever i feel shitty so i eat aalot... and tampines food are seriously expensive..

so today i hope will be a good day for me. yes the symptoms are here.. macdonalds for breakfast (shit its ex too!).. new songs for my ipod and my cartoons are almost ready...

ok no use lamenting.. better to take a nap and forget.~

Monday, April 6, 2009

alamak chiyola sorry ok!

came home late hehe stayed in the office! wait for me in the morning ok! cannot use lumpy cute picture liao so i use

cute squirrel!

Friday, April 3, 2009

going into hyper mode

wise and frank comments made ahgohgoh jolted! ahgohgoh has lots of new stuff to learn! ahgohgoh needs to buck up! ahgohgoh is going back to office on a weekend. wad a waste u might think but its worth it! ahgohgoh needs to beat the indians ! because they are overrated!

Sunday, March 29, 2009

living good

im feeling good now sunshine over my head. im feeling healthier now.. gyming, doing pt and running whenever i can. ninja warrior and has been inspiring me. avoiding oily food is not easy but im trying to pick healthier alternative like subway over macdonalds...yess i will try not to let another pimple pop out again.. some fruits every now and then... and im feeling it too! more energy everyday,better concentration, and less farting.

saving money is difficult too.. but every dollar not spent is every dollar saved.. im always hesitating whenever i need to buy stuff.. except food ~_~ .. haven watch a movie since watchmen.. haven bought something this weekend hurray! saving money can be very fun too when u see progress before the payday! so im looking forward to america and chiyola where i can buy some cheap shit and have fun. woohoo

now i just need more discipline in studying and everything would be perfect..

and check out this pic of ok food ok venue but absolutely perfect company ... may in camp trainings never end my friends! like what mr tan kwan ming says,

"we can differ in our future paths but we all come from the same place"
and very true indeed

for honour and glory , my friends

Wednesday, March 25, 2009

log for the day..

25 march 2009

today is the 50th day of the march.. we are nearing the objective.. but the men are all tired, hungry and homesick.. some have gone demented alone the way... i must keep my sanity. Thetrip from bukit panjang to Tampines are filled with peril - monstrous waves that threatened to swallow the whole ship, sinister eyes lurking around corners. we are strangers in strange land, we cannot even trust a single handshake nor a welcoming bed.

As i wrote this, the hair at the end of my hand stands. Night in the jungle really comes alive, the branches and the leaves stirr, the cold wind assaulting our wary senses.

Hang on... i hear voices.. distant mumurs of alien origins....

Oh..... channel u news! back to reality!

Saturday, March 21, 2009

DAmn Bored

its saturday afternoon.... im at home and shouting damn bored! theres nothing to do at home! No one is free ...... kaoz ive studied played games and now im scratchin my toes.... though im still sick but im yearning to have some fun..

Thursday, March 19, 2009

one whole day awaits

im sick so i guess i wont be going work today.. abit hesistant cause its means no pay for today.....
but i wont spend one whole day lying on the bed though. I will make full use of my time

1. Watch gladiator.OMg russell crowe
2. at least 2 chapters of 3.5
3. 1 chapter of CAML
4. disturb my mother
5. play gta4

great success!

Tuesday, March 17, 2009


my bed is comftable my room is cosy my pimples are sexy my parents are sound asleep my elephant is next to me my girl is in front of me

so what more can i ask for. lol

Sunday, March 15, 2009

omg. look at this.

lucky i stayed at home. haven even reach suntec can suffocate liao. people are really getting disillusioned by cheap bargains when the real bargain is right in front of your eyes....

capitaland at 1.73 dollars few days ago. BUt no money to buy =(
good food at melissa's place
and of course my zuji 1215 cheap air tix lol

its a good thing!

just got my pay... and with the IT show' s cheap bargains seducing me, its a good thing that theres nothing I want right now except probably a camera because I suspect theres really something wrong with it... overexpose all the time ...... or probably a phone with wifi and pdf reader........

Sooooo im just spending time at home slacking,.. though its a little boring to spend a sunday at home pening down my thoughts on my laptop at least im saving money !

wah yesterdays steamboat is too fattening ! time to go running!

Thursday, March 12, 2009

oh dear

oh dear i've made chiyola mad again. sorrry chiyola ok! din mean to shout ok! lumpy says dont angry forgive ahgohgoh!

Wednesday, March 11, 2009


shit im sick man... this is bad because it means no monkey bars and ledges to climb.


Tuesday, March 10, 2009

my dad is a monster..

wah lao asked him to wait for me to reach home continue watching romance of the three kingdom together because nearing the climax liao but hes so addicted that he just chiong finish 4 cds before I reach home. thats probably 4 hours which means the moment he came home he jump right into action man...Ya he just give me the "cant help" shrug. And so happen that when i hit the doorstep mr zhuge liang just passed away. zzzz no mood to continue watchin......

anyway so heypi probably going to sneak to terminal 3's popeye during lunch tomolo.... if u are salivating now don't worry just send me a sms. I'll help you eat your share. LOL!

Saturday, March 7, 2009


supposed to watch watchmen with bryan and friends but last min they say they will prefer to go play LAN games which was quite boring to me because i suck at them..

luckily andrew was free (though it takes some persuading for me to move his ass) and so within 30 mins we were on our way to Lido.. always preferred lido because they gave me a nostalgic feeling.. dunno why perhaps their furnishing and settings didnt change after all these years. oh and they had this giant theatre which i think can house to about 400+ pple?

wow a superhero film that lasts almost 3 hours. Quite long but lucky the show is pretty decent. Lengthy characters development and the idea of though being in the same group they all have very different point-of-view on how justice should be exercised and how the world should stand is quite refreshing. Oh and real omg is the eye-catching computer animated(or is it real) DONG. Raises the ethical dilemma of should-you-sacrifce-mankind-for-greater-good in the end.

Some updates... just got dead space for PS3 but wah lao its really scary so im hiding under my blanket playing..
and just when i say i dont like japanese stuff now im obessed with ninja warrior and this man here makoto nagano check him out.. if u think the obstacles are easy for your info to date 21 competitions and only 2 men including nagano himself...

Monday, March 2, 2009

the dummy's guide to knowing ahgoh part 2

1. I prefer playing catching than computer games anytime.

2. Night cycling's always fun especially go around eating food in the night.

3. I must go to Peru.

4. I like to disturb chiyola. Very shiok.

5. I am stuck between a nerd and a yayapapaya which is not good. I wish i can be more nerd but its quite hard.

6. I like to fart. sorry.

7. I am not as quiet as u think i am. just ask chiyola or leon tan or andrew.

8. I've thought of becoming a police because i cant stand young punks smoking or people throwing cigarette butts or rowdy people. I am usually righteous.

9. I hate when i have to spend a half hour and more exercising everyday but i have no choice.

10. I hate myself when i made use of someone.

11. I am more scheming than you think i am.

12. I am real scared of dying because there are lots of things i haven do.

13. I am honestly not good at anything and i feel like shit about this.

Sunday, March 1, 2009

the dummy's guide to know ahgoh 2009 part1

there are a few things u know or might not know about me. i tot ill list them down so that i can stay true to my convictions and then u can decide whether u can know me better or dislike me more. lol. if u find this post offensive, radical or mean, do drop a comment.

1. i don't drink. Yep i am allergic to it. Cant really appreciate them either because they taste real bitter and makes u wanna take off your clothes. Dont know whether its a good or bad thing.

2. I don't take seafood.

3. I don't smoke. Thankfully. A terrible waste of money.

4. I don't have no objections to people smoking. But just cant stand people leaving the cigarettes butts where they dont belong. Oh, or when they make those slit-like eyes and ecstatic expression when they take a puff. Damn sinister. You know wad i mean.

5. I don't like Japanese stuff. Always had this feeling they will start world war 3 with their economic and cultural powers. Yea yea what happened in ww2 was just a small militarist government.. but just look at Final Fantasy and dragonball and yakitori... so scary man. And mr koizumi looks too nationalistic for my liking. sorry for feeling childish but cant help it.

6.I don't believe edison chen is so handsome that so many ladies wanted to bed him. please tell me hes not handsome .... and this man below is definitely more sexy.our agent smith aka Elrond in Lord of the Rings and mr V in V for Vendetta.

7. I dont find body piercing or tattooing all that great. Cummon who finds your tattoo nice when u r 60 years old and ur dragon tattoo is now just a blob of ink. and i find it particularly silly when people say they made them to remember someone or something. You dont remember them with a thing on your skin man, you remember them with your head. And thankfully my parents had their parental-guidence version 10.1 software installed in my head... guys with earrings/studs ain't that fashionable now.

8. I don't like Malays. Not all of them...... only 99% of them.

9.i don't mind watching a movie in the cinema by myself. Abit paiseh but its alright.

9. I don't have much friends. But i value the ones that i had.

10. I don't like talking the people i can't get along with. I don't like them and i know they don't like me either so wads the point lol. although out of courtesy i still put on a fake smile and converse.

thats all for now. will be back with part 2

Saturday, February 28, 2009

committed and disciplined.

yes im committed and disciplined because i just finished reading 2 chapters of Beginning 3.5 in C# 2008! great success!

ok now should i drop my sim lim to get my hard disk or should i go flyer and eat popeye with guan hao?

Friday, February 27, 2009

weekend is coming!?

But chiyola is away for holiday and kavan is back in melbourne so cant go his house and xbox/boardgame. zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz. No company so I'll probably do this over the weekend.

1.Download shit load of movies today.
2. Saturday -> gym in the morning and then go home and watch movies until late night. Den probably i'll go for MacSupper at bukit panjang plaza even though i know it will gibe me macShit when i reach home.
2. Stay at home and watch more movies until im tired then doze off on the bed. Do some skipping or running in the evening.

Thats all for the week! Aint that exciting!

Thursday, February 26, 2009

wow im awake @ 4am

wah kao im actually awake @ 4am but this is wad happened

1. worked till 9pm. staring @ computer screen for 10 and half hours makes ur eyes go dizzy
2. reach home at 10.30pm
3. had dinner and talked to chiyola
4. tot of lying of my bed for 0.4 seconds before bathing and washing up. i alrady had this feeling that i might probably, most probably doze off but still TIRED IS TIRED.
5. dozed off
6.woke up @ 4am with greasy hair oily face and smelly body. YEA!
7. bathed and waiting for hair to dry.

Kinda mundane though. will try more exciting stuff next time like not bathing and go straight to sleep.

Tuesday, February 24, 2009

great success!

nice! just bought the ticket to US.and.A. The price zuji advertised was unbelievable @ only 1358 bucks this was the loot of the season man, around $700 what mr cathay pacific offered me.unless zuji is scamming my money. Happy times! Cultural learnings of america for make beneefit glorious nation of singapore!

Saturday, February 21, 2009

singaporeans favorite pastime

tried queuing for free tixs to the jurong bird park today but little did i know singaporeans favorite pastime strikes again! Wanted to change to the flyer instead but kaiming said news reports already alerted him that singaporeans favorite pastime strikes again! Apparently people had already started queueing the night b4. woah this is madness!

In the end wewent to the national meuseum because thats the only attraction thats does not attract the queuers and its FREE!......Singaporeans favorite pastime strikes again!

There are not much exhibits to see though.. lol still good company makes up half the fun !

Wednesday, February 18, 2009

Wow i have a blog

wow i have a blog! just realise this 1 min ago that its quite interesting to write things down everyday. especially since i may have audience now cant really write things such as how i enjoy snoring on the bus with my mouth wide open like nobodies business as this will damage my image...
well good and bad about blogging: i can know how much time i wasted everyday... bad thing is cant really do anything about it though.

wow some blogs are really colorful with lots of photos. HMm im gonna post some photos so that my blog is more interesting. not really sure wad photos will be interesting though.

wow just spent 24 dollars on cab today. was so spent doing nothing @ work that i decided against my wallet's hesitance to dig out money so that i can go home 1 hr earlier.

Wow just realise i dont have the cut for web design.

Wow the weather is really hot everyday but im still wearing singlet inside my shirt everyday. this is sparta!

wow i need to use my brain. so if u are reading this and u know stuff that can improve my thinking skills let me know. writing this really makes me feel dumb.

Get well soon chiyola.......

ok i end off with a picture of me these couple of days ... if u havent seen me for a few days or so dont be surprised im a little more mature hit me back for a chat..


p.s yes im a little childish cant help it.. joking's been my only consolation in life now.

Sunday, February 15, 2009

funny vocab and fashion of yesterday and today

lol suddenly recall these funny lingo and fashion stuff used in secondary school and those used now. IF U KNOW ANYTHING I MISSED OUT PLEASE TELL ME!


1.buaya = trying to sian girls ?
2. spastic = lame
3. outrageously baggy jeans.

4. ah beng and ah lian stead ah? <------------ from anoymous

5. eh that chio bu, lets jio her out leh. <------------ from anoymous


1. EMO = emotional. the in thing rite now.
2. CHAI = pretty babe? (LOL!)
3. owned, owning, tio own, ownage = completely destroyed by ur opponent <-from chiyoyo
4. pawned = refer to no.3 <- from chiyoyo
5. GG (good game) = literal meaning is misleading. GG means all hope is lost. For example, my pimples just GGed me today. <- from chiyoyo

Friday, February 13, 2009

really looking forward to tml .......

........................................................................................................because tml is the day before the payday! got money liao. gotcha! think im going to say tml is valentine's day right.......................................................................................................ok chiyoyo dont angry this year we got two valentines day! hehehe sorry present going to be late though. hehehehe

Wednesday, February 11, 2009

dreams and dreams of yesterday and today

while im suffering from braindead syndrome everyday from work i still like to recollect these dreams i had, some quite forgotten, some quite not possible, some i'll try my best

1. Backpack travelling. Machu Piccu especially.

2. Fly like david copperfield. Not quite possible.

3. Play soccer with zidane or shearer

4. Success and money after 30 and comfortable living with chiyoyo

5. Invent bill gates and larry page style

6. Have a chance to do magic for everyone

7. Learn how to play guitar

8. run 9:14 again. Possible.

9. Join the amazing race.

10. be smarter.

11. more moral courage

12. More efficient with time.

13. Many many more years of reservist.

thats all for now.

Tuesday, February 10, 2009

remember say congratulations

when u see chiyoyo cause she got her license liao!

Monday, February 9, 2009

They say

too much old chunky gives u sore throat. Very true.

hahaha i dun haf anything to do now. so im acting abit insane. or issit acting sane? hahahahah feel like banging my head against the wall.

haven see blood trickle for sometime.

Friday, February 6, 2009

random post on a friday night

its a little late on a friday night to write something and I'm having tennis with kavan in the morning and cycling with yalo friends in the evening but im waiting for my hair to dry in the meantime so i thought i write something.

haven done tennis in a long time miss imagining playing like federer but in reality its not.

Cycling is wow wow wee wa never thought ill do night cycling because thinking back to the days i did night cycling in jc days i thought i could die like 1000 times.

weeks seem particularly short nowdays because everydays's just working, exercising and sleeping.

Bought a book which cost me 40 dollars but thought it might be useful

the bus trip back home is most painful because im having a hard time sleeping

what to buy for chiyola on valentines day?

how will i spend valentineless day?

ok. lelah.tidur.

Wednesday, February 4, 2009

my gf is very...........................

angry with me. when she is angry, she is scary and dont want to talk to me. If u see this post and know chiachia, please put in a good word for me. I'll treat u to eat macdonald ice cream. thanks.

Monday, February 2, 2009

my gf chachacha is very...........................

.........................................cute. when sleepy eyes cannoy open even more cute. too bad is in us.and.a so cannot play with cute chachacha.

just too bad if u find me childish. gagagagaggagaga

Sunday, February 1, 2009

emo elmo lamo

sad and disappointing times lie ahead...

1. was @ kavan place again watching aussie open. kept us @ the edge of the toilet bowl seat until federer totallyblew it in the last game. damn fooking sian to see the great tennis king of yesterday commit stupid mistakes...

2. no beach road chicken rice today. =(


Saturday, January 31, 2009

goot food summary

cny shiok! thats when ocbc hr show some humane side and treated us to crystal jade kitchen ! tok them completely (anyway its not their money its ocbc's) and eated like a pig. didnt even speak as i stuffed my mouth with dim sums. I know its bad for my ocbc career that i didnt converse with the "senior management" but heck it. At the end of it, i arrived at the same conclusion on crystal jade:
the food remains overhyped and overrated. Red star can easily beat them flat. Anyway food is food so my stomach is easily satisfied.

Anyway just feel like jotting down the list of food that are pretty shiok so next time when i feel like eating i can refer to them and wont end up in crystal jade wondering why i end up there in the first place. If u think i left out some or wanna recommend something please do so so i can jio pple for food quest next time.

1. Ding tai fung (chiwowo and mine favourite. too bad they dont have frequentEater rewards if not i think we are eligible for them liao)

2. Nan xiang @ bugis level 2. Xiao long bao and te tofu samosa were godlike but they were nothing compared to the one in shanghai so Nanxiang bugis ranking in my list is only soso.

3. Ashtons. cheap and good and no gst and service charge. what more can u ask for. ONly complaint is the queue is too long!

4. Beach road chicken rice. smooth and tender. omg i think i will go and eat it later liao. god give me strength to resist the temptation!

5. chinatown claypot rice. ahhhhh..... the holy grail of claypot rice in singapore. too bad chiyoya doesnt like claypot rice.

6. maxwell fish meat bee hoon. secret xo sauce simply makes it stands out from others. Its not hard to imagine how good is the food when they have the audacity to charge $4. Chayoyo and me favorite 2.

7. changi village bar chor mee, chicken cutlet hor fun. I am guilty of not bring chiyaya to eat them when she wanted them so I apologise to you ok.

8. changi village red tea long gan. You may be wondering what this is but i can assure you its godlike.

9. Kenny rogers. Woot! guan hao pong and me personal favorite mid range restaurant. chicken, the muffin and the potato side-dish are legendary. Haven tried them for like 25 years and i long for themmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm....................

10. carrot cake at hawker next to fu lu shou. The best in the business, this hidden gem has the carrot cake industry at its feet when the master chef was around. Now change cook liao and so standard drop from AAA to b just like ratings from s&p's.

11. Red star restuarant @ chinatown. though inconveniently tucked in the obscure corner of chinatown, this place has achieved cult status among the dim sum fans! Just entering this jiu lou makes u feel u r back in the 80's. The auntie waitress there told me the furnishing hasnt change since the 80's or 90's. hordes of aunties, ah ma, young men like me queue up every weekend begging to get in and get a hand on their shiokanathan dim sums. ahhhhhh......... paigu and siu mai i love u man.

cant recall anymore at the moment. will update this post as soon as i think of some so next time when i have alzheimer's i still can refer to this post. very important.

Friday, January 30, 2009


(@*!(#)!)_@& GOOD GAME given is going to Man city? Ok if the talisman is going to left, good game bye bye newcastle liao!

Its strange that a club few thousand miles away can frustrate me, but when u support something since u were primary 3, things do make a difference. They can only blame themselves though, internal turmoil, bad results and bad managements.....

Ok lets show some support to chayoyo ! jia you!

Thursday, January 29, 2009

I found it!

i found the video! click onnn the link, sit back relax and enjoy!

Most of the gags are godamn funnny, but if are too lazy to watch from start to end, at least watch the one with the japanese and his "handphone" and the one with the waiter please.

This made my day, i hope it make yours :)


u know...once in a while something comes along that makes your day and the moment u see it u know this is it... today i got the chance of not one but 2 shiok stuff! holy cow!

1. Wow paparazzi camera flash card letter arriving for chayoyo. very interesting! US.and.A cards are very nice!

2. While i was travelling in the bus feeling tired and moody, just for laughs saved my life! One particular gag was incredibly funny and i swear everyone in the bus laughed. Hang on awhile i try to find the video...

soorry for lousy english again as im typing at godlike speed again

Tuesday, January 27, 2009

disappointing day

all is not well today. planned to go sentosa with the F1 3times luge rides in our mind but! all is not well for the star-crossed riders because....

harbourfront bus interchange is packed like with 1 million pple queuing for bus tickets to sentosa and vivocity is like packed with 8 million 5 thousand pple wanting to go to sentosa too! (can u imagine the queue snakes out to the open air area) Although only like 9 million and 5 thousand pple and 5 thousand less than melissa's 10 million things in her mind, that is still like many people especially foreign talents.

Wun be able to enjoy the rides with so much FTs here and there so abolish plan A with no plan B in mind (damn)

So we walk and wander and trudge our feets and suddenly we found ourselves @ popeyes chicken. Goodness km and andrew havent taste the power of mashed potato so we intro them...

Happy yet still unsatisfied we continued our aimless walk when bright lights appeared rite in front of our eyes!

the lure of the little dragon balls were too great as km and andrew once again were seduced by their first experiences with the forbidden food. We left satisfied, filled, broke and sure that this will be the end of our day..........

however, fate still has something in stall for us.

This concludes our unexpected plan b for the day (although we had wanted to try the chocolate mudpie @ bread papa). Next time our food quest will be hunting for something less expensive!

Wow so many calories time to do some exercise. Dont worry chiyolo we have something much better when i come us.and.a

Monday, January 26, 2009

the world pauses for a moment......

during cny. Weee stop and smell the roses fellows! Weee what a short post! cause its time for sentosa luge soon

Sunday, January 25, 2009

home alone

In a few hours time, parents will be in Genting and I will be Macualay Culkin starring in Home Alone. Cummon who can forget that show man!

First thing first i need a plan. Should i place the marble balls on the floor so when the two guys charge they will slip and fall? I think i will need the red hot iron bar on the door knob trick so when they grab the knob on the other side, they will be charred. Finally, i will put my secret catapult snares near the lift area to ensure they will have second thoughts when they try to break in. This will ensure my safety for the whole period i guess. =)

If u r reading this, then i guess u r probably as bored as me.

Saturday, January 24, 2009

random thoughts/sight for the day

1. Shit, saw 2 teenagers gays kissing when i alight from the bus just now. I swear they gave me a sheepish grin + wink when they saw me looking at them.

2. Weird but my dad has a uncanny resemblance to George W bush. Hmmmm....

3. encounter a guy whos skin disease had gone way out of control in the bus. He had hundreds of blisters all over his exposed skin. While i certainly do feel for him that he'll have to put up with the stares for the rest of his life and I would have no objection sharing the seats with him, lookin at him still makes my hair stand and i feel bad about this.

4. Fat kids and babies are damn cute. Like my little cousin.

5. I'm proud of u chiyolala because everytime i tell other people including my relatives that my gf is working in the states i will song for at least 1 second.

6. Question time. If there is a genie who can grant you one wish, what will it be? Post your answer on the chatbox and i will post mine.

Friday, January 23, 2009


wah kao, never am I going to touch any drop of alcohol again. My allergy is back and its trying to kill me! Ants biting my skin everywhere! Cannot sleep cause its so itchy!

Thursday, January 22, 2009

cny like no cny

alright this year is bad.cny like no cny. less advertisements and cny songs on tv. pathetic decorations on the street. goodness the spirit and atmosphere is fading!

im not trying to clear my room.
Mum discretely clean the house when im not watching
not buying alot of cny goodies
looking forward the days like just another long weekend
parents going to genting to spend their holidays while Culkin's home alone.

cummon the buildup is as important as the occasion itself!

cny means visiting friends and relatives! reunion dinner! ang bao! buying lots of new clothes and wun feel guilty! letting your auntie say "aiyo so tall liao! so handsome!"

Ok i will clear my wardrobe and start my inaugural squeezing with people @ chinatown soon!

wow im old

you know, it happens sometimes, just like me today when i was listening to my beloved Ipork and you chance over some song you haven heard for eons like Vitamin C graduation. Wow very nice brings back memories about school and army days. Like soccer from dusk till dawn (exaggerated), talking cock with kumar, sweaty and cold nights in the mountains.

yea thinking of these crappy days stirrr the hungry child in me. Do u still have your child in u? Are we too old we lose our childlike wonder? That we must adhere to social formalities behave properly?

If you feeling uptight, tired after work, stressed about grades, maybe u try the tap-your-friend-shoulder-and-pretend-you-never, act cute, act blur, crack really stupid jokes, play with your old pokemon toy, slurp some slurpees, dig out old uniform and wear them and go bukit merah macdonald and bring out and boook and pretend to study. Not only its fun to do so, its right to do so!

Cool. I still do. I still try to wake up on saturday morning and watch doraemon. Cummon who can deny they yearn to own one of those flashy toys. Thats the reason why i learnt magic the first place. Its not about impressing people! But owning a magic means owning a piece of the childlike wonder. watching people wow in amazement while they struggle their adulthood logic with their childlike wonder.

there are 2 ways of staying young. Botox and play like a kid. Cummon don't be so rigid and mature all the time. Act cute.

Wednesday, January 21, 2009

reflections today

ok what do i have today:

1. just watched the inauguration speech. wow he spoke 20 mins without looking at a script. so much charisma, conviction and power. The funny thing though is if u realise, hes actually more or less repeating the same thing here and though, lol, just abit of imagery, symbolism and analogies here and there. have to give the bloke credit though.

2. Ok im tasked with creating the department website and they want me to do a pretty good job even though i know nuts on javascript, css , html and asp .net. Basically, everything computer related so im not actually a computer guy after all. Hurray, not a geek!

3. realise my face is quite bwang at the moment. Ok if anyone has secret formula for me, please let me know. I need it.

4.I'll try to talk more with the pple at intern tml, even though i cannot really click with the pple. Bo bian, social networking. needs to polish some boots.

*dig my nose again*
*rub my eyes*


wow. barack obama . some much weight on his shoulders. can he deliver ? the world looks to him for direction. i look to him for my shares to rise!

One thing for sure, hes certainly one of the most powerful speakers ive ever seen. well rehearsed, well timed and well constructed speeches. Shook my balls big time man.

When the dust and obaman fervour began to settle down, we will see whether mighty warlord premier obama is the saviour.

Change we can believe in. Yes we can. Never stop believing.

*digs my nose*
*scratch my ear*

Tuesday, January 20, 2009

omg teenagers nowadays have very muscular hands

good lord, just went to the tampines gym this evening and realize there are some many people with arms the size of my thighs. I am dumbfounded. Are they too well fed or something or issit the use of myoplex at work here? Are protein shakes the shortcut to erm nice bodies lol?

Reminds me of old man tan. But this man here is totally committed and disciplined that i have to respect him.

Ok time to do 1 pushup. Just one then i will go sleep. Hopefully myhands grew by 1 cm tomolo. *pray hard*

Monday, January 19, 2009

just earned 75 bucks today

alright... i will allocate 25 dollars towards buying a book myself. And the rest of the 40 dollars towards the Go-to-US-and-A-chiwala fund! hooray! one more percent completed!

whats the most important thing?

live life by the moment?




Interesting to note that while I'm not totally lacking in any of them (except maybe money?), i seem to be missing one ingredient that i've not tasted - success.


Ok so what have i learnt from internship so far?

1. when the people told u lunch is 1 hr its actually bullshit.

2. IT life is quite jiaklat.

3. Foreign talent invasion is real.

4. Time is damn precious.

5. Sitting down whole day can make u damn fat.

6. aircon is bad for ur nose.