Thursday, April 9, 2009

ahgoh's week

this week is bad.. took some break from exercising because feeling burnt out.. low in energy...
tried out power run but realise i barely cleared the timing that i would clear with ease 1/2 years ago.. this is discouraging because my legs feel weak like shit and im only 23

the most **** thing is despite taking good care of mysef another pimple pop out again.... and i've reading on the net that actually im suffering from post-inflammatory hyperpigmentation which takes eons for me to heal...

stayed in office yesterday until 9 because no one is free for a drink... not cool.. if only chiyola is here then probably we will go and eat our favorite ding tai fung together

one more week to go before payday.. and im alrady exceeding my budget.. not that i bought lots of things but im eating whenever i feel shitty so i eat aalot... and tampines food are seriously expensive..

so today i hope will be a good day for me. yes the symptoms are here.. macdonalds for breakfast (shit its ex too!).. new songs for my ipod and my cartoons are almost ready...

ok no use lamenting.. better to take a nap and forget.~

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