Sunday, March 29, 2009

living good

im feeling good now sunshine over my head. im feeling healthier now.. gyming, doing pt and running whenever i can. ninja warrior and has been inspiring me. avoiding oily food is not easy but im trying to pick healthier alternative like subway over macdonalds...yess i will try not to let another pimple pop out again.. some fruits every now and then... and im feeling it too! more energy everyday,better concentration, and less farting.

saving money is difficult too.. but every dollar not spent is every dollar saved.. im always hesitating whenever i need to buy stuff.. except food ~_~ .. haven watch a movie since watchmen.. haven bought something this weekend hurray! saving money can be very fun too when u see progress before the payday! so im looking forward to america and chiyola where i can buy some cheap shit and have fun. woohoo

now i just need more discipline in studying and everything would be perfect..

and check out this pic of ok food ok venue but absolutely perfect company ... may in camp trainings never end my friends! like what mr tan kwan ming says,

"we can differ in our future paths but we all come from the same place"
and very true indeed

for honour and glory , my friends

Wednesday, March 25, 2009

log for the day..

25 march 2009

today is the 50th day of the march.. we are nearing the objective.. but the men are all tired, hungry and homesick.. some have gone demented alone the way... i must keep my sanity. Thetrip from bukit panjang to Tampines are filled with peril - monstrous waves that threatened to swallow the whole ship, sinister eyes lurking around corners. we are strangers in strange land, we cannot even trust a single handshake nor a welcoming bed.

As i wrote this, the hair at the end of my hand stands. Night in the jungle really comes alive, the branches and the leaves stirr, the cold wind assaulting our wary senses.

Hang on... i hear voices.. distant mumurs of alien origins....

Oh..... channel u news! back to reality!

Saturday, March 21, 2009

DAmn Bored

its saturday afternoon.... im at home and shouting damn bored! theres nothing to do at home! No one is free ...... kaoz ive studied played games and now im scratchin my toes.... though im still sick but im yearning to have some fun..

Thursday, March 19, 2009

one whole day awaits

im sick so i guess i wont be going work today.. abit hesistant cause its means no pay for today.....
but i wont spend one whole day lying on the bed though. I will make full use of my time

1. Watch gladiator.OMg russell crowe
2. at least 2 chapters of 3.5
3. 1 chapter of CAML
4. disturb my mother
5. play gta4

great success!

Tuesday, March 17, 2009


my bed is comftable my room is cosy my pimples are sexy my parents are sound asleep my elephant is next to me my girl is in front of me

so what more can i ask for. lol

Sunday, March 15, 2009

omg. look at this.

lucky i stayed at home. haven even reach suntec can suffocate liao. people are really getting disillusioned by cheap bargains when the real bargain is right in front of your eyes....

capitaland at 1.73 dollars few days ago. BUt no money to buy =(
good food at melissa's place
and of course my zuji 1215 cheap air tix lol

its a good thing!

just got my pay... and with the IT show' s cheap bargains seducing me, its a good thing that theres nothing I want right now except probably a camera because I suspect theres really something wrong with it... overexpose all the time ...... or probably a phone with wifi and pdf reader........

Sooooo im just spending time at home slacking,.. though its a little boring to spend a sunday at home pening down my thoughts on my laptop at least im saving money !

wah yesterdays steamboat is too fattening ! time to go running!

Thursday, March 12, 2009

oh dear

oh dear i've made chiyola mad again. sorrry chiyola ok! din mean to shout ok! lumpy says dont angry forgive ahgohgoh!

Wednesday, March 11, 2009


shit im sick man... this is bad because it means no monkey bars and ledges to climb.


Tuesday, March 10, 2009

my dad is a monster..

wah lao asked him to wait for me to reach home continue watching romance of the three kingdom together because nearing the climax liao but hes so addicted that he just chiong finish 4 cds before I reach home. thats probably 4 hours which means the moment he came home he jump right into action man...Ya he just give me the "cant help" shrug. And so happen that when i hit the doorstep mr zhuge liang just passed away. zzzz no mood to continue watchin......

anyway so heypi probably going to sneak to terminal 3's popeye during lunch tomolo.... if u are salivating now don't worry just send me a sms. I'll help you eat your share. LOL!

Saturday, March 7, 2009


supposed to watch watchmen with bryan and friends but last min they say they will prefer to go play LAN games which was quite boring to me because i suck at them..

luckily andrew was free (though it takes some persuading for me to move his ass) and so within 30 mins we were on our way to Lido.. always preferred lido because they gave me a nostalgic feeling.. dunno why perhaps their furnishing and settings didnt change after all these years. oh and they had this giant theatre which i think can house to about 400+ pple?

wow a superhero film that lasts almost 3 hours. Quite long but lucky the show is pretty decent. Lengthy characters development and the idea of though being in the same group they all have very different point-of-view on how justice should be exercised and how the world should stand is quite refreshing. Oh and real omg is the eye-catching computer animated(or is it real) DONG. Raises the ethical dilemma of should-you-sacrifce-mankind-for-greater-good in the end.

Some updates... just got dead space for PS3 but wah lao its really scary so im hiding under my blanket playing..
and just when i say i dont like japanese stuff now im obessed with ninja warrior and this man here makoto nagano check him out.. if u think the obstacles are easy for your info to date 21 competitions and only 2 men including nagano himself...

Monday, March 2, 2009

the dummy's guide to knowing ahgoh part 2

1. I prefer playing catching than computer games anytime.

2. Night cycling's always fun especially go around eating food in the night.

3. I must go to Peru.

4. I like to disturb chiyola. Very shiok.

5. I am stuck between a nerd and a yayapapaya which is not good. I wish i can be more nerd but its quite hard.

6. I like to fart. sorry.

7. I am not as quiet as u think i am. just ask chiyola or leon tan or andrew.

8. I've thought of becoming a police because i cant stand young punks smoking or people throwing cigarette butts or rowdy people. I am usually righteous.

9. I hate when i have to spend a half hour and more exercising everyday but i have no choice.

10. I hate myself when i made use of someone.

11. I am more scheming than you think i am.

12. I am real scared of dying because there are lots of things i haven do.

13. I am honestly not good at anything and i feel like shit about this.

Sunday, March 1, 2009

the dummy's guide to know ahgoh 2009 part1

there are a few things u know or might not know about me. i tot ill list them down so that i can stay true to my convictions and then u can decide whether u can know me better or dislike me more. lol. if u find this post offensive, radical or mean, do drop a comment.

1. i don't drink. Yep i am allergic to it. Cant really appreciate them either because they taste real bitter and makes u wanna take off your clothes. Dont know whether its a good or bad thing.

2. I don't take seafood.

3. I don't smoke. Thankfully. A terrible waste of money.

4. I don't have no objections to people smoking. But just cant stand people leaving the cigarettes butts where they dont belong. Oh, or when they make those slit-like eyes and ecstatic expression when they take a puff. Damn sinister. You know wad i mean.

5. I don't like Japanese stuff. Always had this feeling they will start world war 3 with their economic and cultural powers. Yea yea what happened in ww2 was just a small militarist government.. but just look at Final Fantasy and dragonball and yakitori... so scary man. And mr koizumi looks too nationalistic for my liking. sorry for feeling childish but cant help it.

6.I don't believe edison chen is so handsome that so many ladies wanted to bed him. please tell me hes not handsome .... and this man below is definitely more sexy.our agent smith aka Elrond in Lord of the Rings and mr V in V for Vendetta.

7. I dont find body piercing or tattooing all that great. Cummon who finds your tattoo nice when u r 60 years old and ur dragon tattoo is now just a blob of ink. and i find it particularly silly when people say they made them to remember someone or something. You dont remember them with a thing on your skin man, you remember them with your head. And thankfully my parents had their parental-guidence version 10.1 software installed in my head... guys with earrings/studs ain't that fashionable now.

8. I don't like Malays. Not all of them...... only 99% of them.

9.i don't mind watching a movie in the cinema by myself. Abit paiseh but its alright.

9. I don't have much friends. But i value the ones that i had.

10. I don't like talking the people i can't get along with. I don't like them and i know they don't like me either so wads the point lol. although out of courtesy i still put on a fake smile and converse.

thats all for now. will be back with part 2