Wednesday, July 29, 2009

wah lao how?

cannot gym cannot run cannot think properly because i cannot move + fever. i know! I'll use my "deep psychic penetrative stare" on my parents, elephant and chiyola when she gets home. HAHAHAHA then they'll do my bidding. eh im not childish ok.

Sunday, July 26, 2009

the power of laziness

overwhelms my consciousness to success. this damn bad. I need a plan to value-add myself, if not i will never fulfill my plans of earning a lot of money.

1. I will keep my PS3. This will reduce my urge to play oblivion everytime i sit on the desk.
2. I will find some software to block off hardwarezone and facebook. They are a massive distraction.
3. I will need to manage my time properly. I will start off with closing this post in 3 mins time.
4. I will laugh when i see some technical lingo i dont understand.
5. I will start to say things to bore people so that they wouldnt go out with me. I'll try to start with my elephant.
6. Joking about point 6.

OK time's almost up.

Wednesday, July 15, 2009

hectic july

wow wow wee wa right after US and A holiday its off to beloved hendon for my annual campmates get-together!

this year its an incredibly short 1 week and this is not good ! Although most of my peers would be glad that its not 2 weeks, i had other sentiments. ICT is such a good time to keep fit, save some money, talk some cock and build some camaraderie that i dunno why some people would want to go back to face the harsh reality of their world.

And wah lao, time flies. 1 week pass just like that and I'm sitting in my room penning my afterthoughts now.

There are good times like sitting together by the bedside talking about things men talk about, doing PT, running and gym sessions with Monster leon tan and smelling good old hendon, changi village and of course eating the cookhouse food.

There are also SHIT times: having to babysit grown-ups. Speaking of this makes me fume. Although people who really know me knows that most of the time I'm talking crap and avoiding sai kangs and jumping around, I still believe that the core value of a responsible soldier is the selflessness and willingness to work for the team. Instead I see some particulars dashing for comfort when his own team members are slogging. That is FUCK-up attitude. How can a person show such indifference to responsibilities if he can say he is a commando? Thankfully, bad apples are rare.

I've achieved something too. I've finally met my 2.4km goal. This has eluded me for 2 years that I thought maybe i'm a little too old or maybe I'm just too lazy to train. I'm not saying this because I deserve a pat on my back but I want to emphasize the importance of perseverance and hard work in everything we set our sights on. Hopefully I will channel this into my goal of earning A SHIT BUCKET load of money.

Oh and thanks to leon tan too. He have become my competitor in running. Although he have become faster than me, I do believe that hes still within sight. Taught me crazy PTs and gym exercises too. Great friend to cherish.

Concluding, this 2 months have been crazy. America holiday with Chiyoyo is too fun to be true, and ICT is too short to be fun. Until Chiyoyo comes back from US and A, I guess i will be working on my fyp, run and linger around miserably. Haiz time flies.....